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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tired and Planning`

I have yet find a way to upload my pixs~... :P my sister wants to know abt my blog. I'm relatively new, so take time yah.

rIte Now: im waiting for wan, as to discuss for our white platter system, at the same time, i am doing the programming for my upcoming meeting. its gonna be a long day. really a good place to rest. i literally can fall asleep!! how can ppl stay so long here and stay away...must be the coffee....its not working for me!~~~ hope i can get it down with wan by today, but his store kinda happening rite now. slamming sia`. hope my store can do better.

I need to rest my head...err...brain....its kinda edgy nowadays...i need my beauty sleep....when...whahhahaa

Till then...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Day to Ponder

Its been awhile i have sit down and think how much i have achieve and how much more must i give. its been draining. but the Sentosa trip was Mind Blowing! i got to REST and have FUN!!... FUN!!.. . dzul = fun? no way. hopefully, i can learn how to post pics from the trip from my sister. whhaha..newbie ar

i am still pondering whether i should be taking writing letter classes...being SM takes alot of paper work man...sheesh.... my english like superb to the max!! still in between whether i should take Mandarin Classes or Classes that will help on my letter writing. SoOoOoo many proposal, complain recovery and report i have to do`. i still thinking...hmmm

Promise myself to write more though. Pushing! pUshing...whahaha...

till then...